Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Drink Of The Month...Fig Vodka Anyone????

Isn't it funny how food can be either "in" or "out"? Like the latest fall fashions, food can be as "last year" as that pair of gigantic white plastic sunglasses (I honestly don't get fashion so forgive me if you like those) or perhaps that fedora you purchased because all the hipsters were wearing it but you failed to realize that it comes with an age limit....under 35 please. It saddens me that food can sometimes fit into this category, but what saddens me even more is that one particular food...or drink in this case...has been completely left off the "hip radar". Feigling; Fig Flavored Vodka
Yes!! Fig flavored vodka!! Figs are as in right now as, say, roasted beet and goat cheese salad (have you gone to a restaurant in the past year and not seen this salad listed on the menu?). Figs go with meat, cheese, vodka! They're delicious and versatile. They're everywhere! Unfortunately, one of my favorite liquors of all time, Feigling, a German made beverage, is nowhere to be seen. We have to change this folks. Help me!!

A few years ago. Ok. Perhaps more like 6 or 7 (time flies huh folks). Friends of mine, Mark and Di, gave me a bottle of my beloved Feigling. Actually, at the time they gave me a box of little airplane bottles (this particular liquor is often sold this way), and I fell in love. The hubby and I must have drank 3 bottles of it while we were in Germany a few years ago. It's that good. I know what you're thinking. "Why would I EVER drink fig flavored vodka". My answer to that is, "why not?". It's delicious. A mix between the ever popular line of citrus flavored vodkas out there and a schnapps. I drink it straight as a shot or an after dinner drink (move over sambuca)...that is...if I can find it. Herein lies the problem. You can't find the stuff anywhere!!! Mark and Di brought it back from Germany...because they used to live there. If you're a normal joe shmoe in small town America you might have a hard time finding it. So when the hubby and I were in Northern California (lots of posts on CA to come...we pretty much covered the state in 8 days) last week and I spotted a store that I knew sold it online I practically pulled the parking break in an attempt to stop the car and see if they had it in stock. Good for me....and the hubby that I didn't actually pull the parking break going 55 mph...they had it!!!! I ran into the store and filled my arms with bottles of the stuff. My level headed husband reminded me that the airlines only allow you to check 50lbs worth of baggage and that I, in all of my excitement, must have been balancing about 75 lbs worth of fig flavored wonder in my arms. Saddened by that fact I purchased one measly bottle.

When I brought it home, in an effort to conserve, I made a mixed drink out of it. It's a variation on the recipe off the back of the bottle called Orange Crush...I call mine heaven. It's one of the best mixed drinks I've ever had...and I don't particularly like sweet, mixed drinks...put an ice cube in something and I consider that an ingredient. So give this drink a shot. Please. And ask your local liquor or ABC store to special order a few cases of Feigling (most places can and will do that). You won't be disappointed...I promise! And if you can't get your local liquor store to do you that solid then go here..... www.bevmo.com
By law they can't sell to certain states...VA, PA (mom and dad...keep an eye out for a case of Feigling coming to your NJ house!) but most other states will let you ship liquor. BevMo is where I bought this bottle and I can tell you right now...you'll be sorry if you don't give it a shot. Perhaps make it your very own, Drink of the Month.

Orange Crush...aka, heaven in a glass:
-2 parts Feigling
-1 part Orange Juice
-1/2 part orange liquor
-splash club soda

Mix Feigling, OJ, orange liquor and a splash of club soda in a shaker. Mix lightly and pour into an ice filled highball glass. Enjoy!

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